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For foreigner(Ver.English)

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자 작성일19-03-01 10:57 조회4,119회 댓글0건



I am pleased to welcome you to goodstay oneroomtel.
We provide you with clean environments and clean rooms. 

All individual rooms are attached with toilet/shower and vary from 350000 to 550000
The price varies depending on the size of the room but all rooms have the same interior facilities. 
There is no maintenance cost nor additional charges. 

Each room has: 

A bed, closet, desk, chair, bookcase, drawer, LAN for the internet(Wi-fi free), LCD Computer moniter (IPTV available), refrigerator, security and fire facilities, an automatic sprinkler system 

Public facilities: 

In kitchen, we have an electronic range, rice cooker, table, kitchen utensils(such as dishes, cups, knives, etc), water purifier

In Laundry room, we have washingmachine & dryer.


Rice ,seasonings, detergent, ramen

If you have any questions, please call or leave a message on the Q & A board.

thank you !!!

cell phome : 010 6519 4988
E-mail : goodstaykr@daum.net

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서울시 성북구 안암로103 (구.안암동5가 85-3) 2,3층 굿스테이원룸텔 고대점 · TEL.010-6519-4988

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